Hero wars gameplay problems - why playes left the game


Hero Wars problems

I know what is your problem in hero wars company - Players lest the game and you wandering why ???

You No needed to get master on Harvard to understand why

1) Energy Problem - the absolute pay money to play investigation 

ok but the players can pay forever for energy 

2) Tower Problem Player do not have energy to play so what can player do ?? player can play tower !!! Wrong , MO more Tower in hi levels the player with the F@cking imortal bustard mobs cant play , Ok tower is easy on low levels but on hi levels the mobs are the goods and the players run to find an other game to play

3) Events complete Problem , you must pay money to complete the most events , but the players left the game to find games with not the absolute Pay to complete the f@king quests

Ok you can tel me UPDATE YOUR ARMORS !!! to play - WRONG you CANT update your armors for 2 reasons ENERGY PROBLEM and THE GAME IS VERY EXPENSIVE TO BUY ENERY EVERY DAY so you can update your armors in hi levels cos you need tones of energy and you myst spend to musch money to do that

4) Guild Problem - you never have guild in this game - the guild system is crap - The existing few guilds never add you to battles and kick you cos you are not the best player in the game , and the onther guilds dose not exit << the players left the game

Ok you tel me you can make your own guild - WRONG - noone can join the guild and you can invite only 50 ( usualy no active ) players every week - also you cant add  friends !!! 

Ok you can tell me you can move to an newerst server to find active players and guild NO YOU CANT you must create a new account in the new server AXAXAXAAAAA !!!!

5) You cant o make money from unHapply players , who pust pay and pay and paly angain and agan to play

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